Work with Us

Join us in our mission to make a positive impact on the lives of unemployed and disadvantaged individuals while striving to reduce inequality in society.

Work with Us

Bluesky Mind Studio

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NDIS Employment Coach Western Australia The NDIS Employment Coach is responsible for delivering the Organisation’s NDIS funded employment services, such as School Leaver Employment Supports and Finding and Keeping a Job. A key responsibility of this role is to support and mentor NDIS Participants to overcome barriers, build capacity to move onto a pathway to further education or employment through the development of individualised plans. The NDIS Employment Coach will engage Participants with a person-centred approach, and through collaboration with other stakeholders. You will deliver services in a safe and ethical manner that is compliant with the NDIS Commissions Quality Standards Framework to ensure quality services are delivered and enhance the reputation of the Organisation. 21/11/2024 Apply

Corporate Services

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Brand and Marketing Coordinator South Australia The Brand and Marketing Coordinator works closely with the Boards of Eighty9 Limited and Status Works and operational management team to promote the Organisation’s diverse business and community interests. The Brand and Marketing Coordinator manages the brand integrity across the Organisations marketing initiatives and communications and additionally manages the brand integrity of contracted services. The Brand and Marketing Coordinator has oversight for the Organisations marketing collateral, including maintaining style guides and brand guidelines to ensure distribution is effective and efficient. The Brand and Marketing Coordinator works both independently and as a part of a wider team to perform a variety of Organisational marketing support services, all of which contribute to the professional promotion of the Organisation. 06/02/2025 Apply

Disability Employment Services

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Employment Consultant South Australia The Employment Consultant – Disability Employment Services (DES) is responsible for engaging, facilitating and empowering a caseload of Participants who may have multiple and complex personal and vocational barriers to employment, including a range of physical and mental health issues. This role involves guiding Participants to develop appropriate skills and attributes to improve their employment prospects and gain meaningful employment. The Employment Consultant – Disability Employment Services facilitates and implements pre-employment strategies, delivered through the Organisations Global Services Model (GSM), that focus on achieving return to the paid workforce. 23/12/2024 Apply
Employment Support Consultant: DES Western Australia The Employment Support Consultant (ESC) is responsible for providing effective supports and intervention which enables success in the workplace, taking into account the skills and abilities of the worker, as well as the needs of the employer. In this position you will be required to provide on the job support to a worker, and assess and address the workplace support needs of individuals to ensure ongoing employment is maintained. 02/01/2025 Apply
Employment Consultant Western Australia The Employment Consultant – Disability Employment Services (DES) is responsible for engaging, facilitating and empowering a caseload of Participants who may have multiple and complex personal and vocational barriers to employment, including a range of physical and mental health issues. This role involves guiding Participants to develop appropriate skills and attributes to improve their employment prospects and gain meaningful employment. The Employment Consultant – Disability Employment Services facilitates and implements pre-employment strategies, delivered through the Organisations Global Services Model (GSM), that focus on achieving return to the paid workforce. 18/12/2024 Apply

Training Services

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Trainer and Assessor: SEE South Australia The Trainer and Assessor: SEE is responsible for engaging and empowering community members, existing workers and unemployed individuals by supporting them to upskill, reskill, secure, and maintain employment, or progress to further education or training. The Trainer and Assessor: SEE motivates and guides Participants in training through the provision of quality training in language, literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy skills and competency-based training, as well as providing assistance related to employment. The Trainer and Assessor: SEE will adhere to Government contractual requirements and achieve and maintain compliance within the Standards for Registered Training Organisations. 26/07/2024 Apply
Trainer and Assessor: SEE Western Australia The Trainer and Assessor: SEE is responsible for engaging and empowering community members, existing workers and unemployed individuals by supporting them to upskill, reskill, secure, and maintain employment, or progress to further education or training. The Trainer and Assessor: SEE motivates and guides Participants in training through the provision of quality training in language, literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy skills and competency-based training, as well as providing assistance related to employment. The Trainer and Assessor: SEE will adhere to Government contractual requirements and achieve and maintain compliance within the Standards for Registered Training Organisations. 17/07/2024 Apply

Transition to Work

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Link Worker South Australia The Link Worker: Transition to Work is responsible for engaging, facilitating and empowering a caseload of Transition to Work (TtW) Participants who are at risk of long-term unemployment, are disengaged from education and training or have multiple barriers to employment. The Link Worker: Transition to Work motivates and guides TtW Participants in developing appropriate skills and attributes to gain meaningful and sustainable employment, including apprenticeships and traineeships. The Link Worker: Transition to Work facilitates connections with education, training and labour market opportunities that will position TtW Participants well for sustainable employment. 07/08/2024 Apply
Indigenous Mentor: Transition to Work Western Australia The Indigenous Mentor is responsible for providing effective support, in accordance with our Global Service Model (GSM), mentoring and intervention to Indigenous Participants that enables them to successfully participate in education and employment. They will work with a number of key community and local labour market stakeholders to provide opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Participants, taking into account skills and abilities, as well as their community and cultural needs. The Indigenous Mentor will provide on the job support to Participants, and assess and address their workplace support needs to ensure ongoing employment is maintained. 10/07/2024 Apply
Link Worker: Transition to Work Western Australia The Link Worker: Transition to Work is responsible for engaging, facilitating and empowering a caseload of Transition to Work (TtW) Participants who are at risk of long-term unemployment, are disengaged from education and training or have multiple barriers to employment. The Link Worker: Transition to Work motivates and guides TtW Participants in developing appropriate skills and attributes to gain meaningful and sustainable employment, including apprenticeships and traineeships. The Link Worker: Transition to Work facilitates connections with education, training and labour market opportunities that will position TtW Participants well for sustainable employment. 06/12/2024 Apply
Team Leader Western Australia The Team Leader: Transition to Work (TTW) is responsible for the Transition to Work service delivery at site level in accordance with the Organisations Global Service Model (GSM) that drives contractual and commercial performance within a designated site location. This role will assume responsibility for day-to-day operations, including leading staff to ensure contractual performance at the site is maximised and Participant compliance and service delivery requirements are adhered to. 18/12/2024 Apply